
Meetings are held once a quarter with an annual meeting held once a year in October.


Best place for quick answers to your burning questions!  We also suggest searching the searchable covenants PDF for answers.


This area contains a searchable covenants, ARB form for changes to the look of your home as well as other useful PDFs.

Upcoming Events

HOA Special Meeting January 7th @ 6:30pm

Please contact Bridlewood Real Estate at least 24 hours prior to the meeting so they can get you on the agenda.  The board will call on you when ready.

This will be held at the Cornerstone Community Church, which is right outside the subdivision on 1333 E. Crown Point Road. This will be a special meeting to discuss the damage and repair costs caused by Hurricane Milton.  A special assessment may be necessary to pay for these costs, so please attend to get all the details on what is being considered.

Board and Committee Members needed!

We are always looking for board members. If you are a home owner in the fullers crossing subdivision, please click below and fill out a board candidate form! Email or fax it to our Management company and the existing board will consider your candidacy as soon as possible! You can also email us at if you want to become a committee member, no application needed. Just let us know what committee you are interested in!
HOA Board

Contact Us

The Fullers Crossing Subdivision is located in Winter Garden Florida, about 20 minutes west of downtown Orlando and about 25 minutes north of Disney via toll road 429.

  • Bridlewood Real Estate
  • Phone: (352) 404-6484
  • 303 N St Clair Abrams Ave, Tavares, FL 32778
  • GPS of Subdivision:  28°35’25.9″N 81°34’03.4″W

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