HOA Board Meetings

Board meetings are held quarterly.  They start at 7pm and usually last until 9pm depending on the agenda.  Currently all meetings are being held virtually, please check back here for the link which will be posted  30 minutes before the meeting.  Meetings are being held with Microsoft Teams which has a browser version so downloading software is not necessary if you are using an updated browser.  Please note that homeowners can raise their hand and will be called upon when the board is ready to hear input from home owners.  If you have a specific topic for the meeting, please contact Sutherland Management 24 hours or more prior to the board meeting.

There is an annual meeting held in person in October of every year.  The date and location is selected by the board and will be sent out to homeowners prior to the meeting with ample notice.

July 10th, 7:00pm

HOA Meetings are held quarterly. There is a link posted on the main page, just click that link and use the meeting id and password if need be.

If you do not have Zoom installed, you do not need it, there is a web version you can join the meeting with. You can also join via the app on your phone, just come back to the main page and click the link on your phone.